Tag: <span>rewiring</span>

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Our Brains Are Not Able to ‘Rewire’ Themselves, Despite What Most Scientists Believe, New Study Argues

Contrary to the commonly-held view, the brain cannot rewire itself to compensate for the loss of sight, an amputation or stroke, for example, say scientists from the University of Cambridge and Johns Hopkins University. Graphic representing brain circuits. Credit: GDJ, Public Domain Writing in eLife, Professors Tamar Makin (Cambridge) and John Krakauer (Johns Hopkins) argue...


Rewiring Cancer Metabolism

Research finds nondividing colon cancer cells use altered glucose metabolism. Harvard Medical School researchershave revealed new insights into the adaptations cancer cells make to rewire their metabolism to achieve growth and survive. The discoveries, published in Nature Communications, include a challenge to a well-known feature in cancer metabolism and raise the call for tools to study...

Transposons could be rewiring our brains

Transposons could be rewiring our brains

by  University of Oxford A new study by neuroscientists at the University of Oxford shows that mobile genetic elements that were active in the genomes of our ancestors could be closely linked to important functions in our brain and might help diversify our behavior, cognition and emotions. The human genome contains the instructions to build and maintain all...