Tag: <span>risk of death</span>

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Risk of death decreases after COVID-19 vaccine but protection wanes after six months, finds study

Risk of death decreases after COVID-19 vaccine but protection wanes after six months, finds study

by SAGE Publications A medical assistant prepares a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to be administered to a patient. Credit: Public domain image courtesy of Lisa Ferdinando, U.S. Department of Defense The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases significantly after vaccination but this protection diminishes after six months, providing evidence for continued booster doses, a new...

Respiratory disease in early childhood linked to higher risk of death in adulthood

Respiratory disease in early childhood linked to higher risk of death in adulthood

by Imperial College London Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Contracting a lower respiratory tract infection in early childhood is associated with a higher risk of dying from respiratory disease as an adult, according to new research. A study, led by researchers from Imperial College London and published in The Lancet, has found that children who had had...

Regularly exercising with weights linked to lower risk of death

Regularly exercising with weights linked to lower risk of death

by British Medical Journal Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Regularly exercising with weights is linked to a lower risk of death from any cause, with the exception of cancer, finds research carried out in older adults and published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Ensuring that a weekly exercise routine includes both weights and aerobic...

Common steroids after ‘long COVID’ recovery may cut risk of death by up to 51%

Common steroids after ‘long COVID’ recovery may cut risk of death by up to 51%

by Frontiers Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Evidence continues to gather that “long COVID,” that is, continued negative health impacts months after apparent recovery from severe COVID-19, is an important risk for some patients. For example, researchers from the University of Florida Gainesville showed last December that hospitalized patients who seemingly recovered from severe COVID-19 run...


Survivors of severe Covid-19 may have increased risk of death within 12 months of illness

FRONTIERS Can long Covid kill? Striking findings presented in a new study published to Frontiers in Medicine show that patients who survive severe Covid-19 have more than twice the risk of dying over the following year, compared with those who experience mild or moderate disease or remain uninfected. Unusually, the increased risk of dying was greater for...

New class of drug leads to 30 percent reduced risk of death for bladder cancer patients

New class of drug leads to 30 percent reduced risk of death for bladder cancer patients

by  Queen Mary, University of London Killer T cells surround a cancer cell. Credit: NIH A new type of drug that helps target chemotherapy directly to cancer cells has been found to significantly increase survival of patients with the most common form of bladder cancer, according to results from a phase III clinical trial led in the UK...


15 Percent Of Sepsis Survivors Die Within A Year Of Leaving The Hospital: Study

By Naia Carlos Tech Times Sepsis patients aren’t out of the woods even getting through their life-threatening illness as research shows that the following years remain risky for survivors. If their illness was critical, sepsis survivors face a higher risk of dying even at least six years after recovering from their disease in the hospital. Long-Term Study Of Sepsis Survivors In the new research published in the...