Tag: <span>Robotic Exoskeletons</span>

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Robotic exoskeletons and neurorehabilitation for acquired brain injury: Determining the potential for recovery

Robotic exoskeletons and neurorehabilitation for acquired brain injury: Determining the potential for recovery

by Kessler Foundation Studies (N=57) divided into three pie charts based on population (cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, stroke) and further divided based on study type. Credit: Kessler Foundation A team of New Jersey researchers reviewed the evidence for the impact of robotic exoskeleton devices on recovery of ambulation among individua5ls with acquired brain injury, laying out...


Ankle exoskeleton fits under clothes for potential broad adoption

A new lightweight, low-profile and inexpensive ankle exoskeleton could be widely used among elderly people, those with impaired lower-leg muscle strength and workers whose jobs require substantial walking or running. Developed by Vanderbilt mechanical engineers, the device is believed to be the first ankle exoskeleton that could be worn under clothes without restricting motion. It does not require additional components such as batteries or...