Tag: <span>Robotic glove</span>

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Robotic Glove Helps Stroke Patients Relearn Dexterity

Robotic Glove Helps Stroke Patients Relearn Dexterity

JULY 19TH, 2023 CONN HASTINGS NEUROLOGY, REHAB Researchers at Florida Atlantic University have developed a soft robotic glove that can assist stroke patients to relearn how to perform dexterous tasks with their hands. The glove contains soft actuators that helps patients to move their fingers as they perform tasks, and sensors that help to create tactile...


Robotic glove powers up paralyzed hands

By Ben Coxworth If someone is lacking a hand, a prosthetic appendage can help them perform basic daily tasks. However, what if they’ve still got both hands, but one of them is paralyzed? Well, that’s where NeoMano is designed to come in. Designed by Korean startup Neofect, the NeoMano system consists of three parts. First...