Tag: <span>Salmonella</span>

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Salmonella Outbreak In 27 States Linked To Pig Ear Dog Treats

By Athena Chan Tech Times Nearly a hundred people have now been affected by the salmonella outbreak that has affected 27 states. The illnesses started in October of 2018, and so far 20 people have already been hospitalized. Salmonella OutbreakIn the latest update on the ongoing salmonella outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...


Salmonella loves hydrogen peroxide – and helps your body make more of it

Salmonella is a nasty little bacterium. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that it sickens one in six Americans each year, with illnesses ranging from mild to fatal. Part of the reason that Salmonella is so effective in making us sick is that it is able to turn the body‘s defense mechanism to its advantage. Now, new...


Salmonella 'can kill cancer': How bacteria that cause food poisoning could be used to attack tumour cells

A genetically-altered form of salmonella is being developed to combat cancer It would kill off the tumour cells while leaving the healthy cells alone  The new strain would also help the body’s immune system target tumours  The bacteria that cause food poisoning could be used to kill cancer, medical experts said yesterday. A genetically-altered form of...


Salmonella Has Been Genetically Engineered to Consume Brain Tumors

IN BRIEF Duke researchers genetically modified Salmonella typhimurium to fight one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer: Glioblastoma. Lab tests in rats with extreme cases of glioblastoma showed an astonishing 20 percent survival rate, with the tumors going into remission over a period of 100 days. RELAX, THEY’RE FRIENDLY As the culprit behind one...


Salmonella Used To Attack Fatal Brain Tumors In Rats

Salmonella does not exactly enjoy a good reputation as it is deemed pathogenic and often implicated in food poisoning cases. But what happens when you recruit the bacterial strain in the mission to kill tumors? Scientists from Duke University genetically tweaked salmonella to help scour and destroy tumors, a development that can potentially help fight the...

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