Tag: <span>sense of taste</span>

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Our sense of taste helps pace our eating. Understanding how may lead to new avenues for weight loss by Zachary Knight, The Conversation

Our sense of taste helps pace our eating. Understanding how may lead to new avenues for weight loss by Zachary Knight, The Conversation

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAs a scientist who investigates hunger and weight control, I’m interested in the way our brains let us know we’ve had enough. As we begin to feel full, we slow down how quickly we eat. For decades, scientists have thought that this change in pace was driven solely by signals from the...

Addicted to chili? Here’s how it might help us regain our sense of taste after COVID

Addicted to chili? Here’s how it might help us regain our sense of taste after COVID

by Michael Mathai, The Conversation Like the slogan on the bottle says: ‘I put Sriracha on my Sriracha’. Credit: Unsplash/Hiroko Nishimura, CC BY The news of a hot chili sauce shortages earlier this year—due to high temperatures and drought in agricultural regions—prompted warnings to stock up on supplies or forego adding this flavor to your food. But what prompts...