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The long-term course of severe long COVID

CHARITÉ – UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLIN Patients who still have health problems three months after a SARS-CoV-2 infection, with symptoms ongoing for at least two months and no other explanation for these issues, are said to have post-COVID syndrome (PCS), also known as “long COVID.” Symptoms vary widely. Many people have problems with breathing, trouble concentrating, or...

New cases of severe long COVID appear to be dropping, and vaccination is probably key

New cases of severe long COVID appear to be dropping, and vaccination is probably key

by Ben Krishna, The Conversation Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock The term “long COVID” is used to describe symptoms or illness that continue for more than four weeks after a positive COVID test or the original onset of symptoms. Some examples include an ongoing loss of taste or smell, debilitating fatigue, and even sustained damage to the heart or brain. Long COVID...