Tag: <span>sex differences</span>

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Improving the study of sex-based differences in complex traits and disease

Improving the study of sex-based differences in complex traits and disease

by Melissa Rohman, Northwestern University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Phenotypic sex differences are common in many aspects of health and disease. Despite the success of genome-wide association studies in improving the understanding of how genetic variation contributes to the manifestation of complex traits or diseases, there has been little use of this data to investigate sex...

A type of immune cell gives possible explanation for sex differences in pancreatic cancer

A type of immune cell gives possible explanation for sex differences in pancreatic cancer

by Karolinska Institutet Pancreatic cancer cells (blue) growing as a sphere encased in membranes (red). Credit: National Cancer Institute Immunotherapy is an effective form of therapy for different types of cancer. However, for pancreatic cancer, its effect is limited and differs between men and women. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now found a possible explanation for this...

A neural substrate that may modulate sex differences in motivation

A neural substrate that may modulate sex differences in motivation

by Ingrid Fadelli, Medical Xpress A histology image of the neurons targeted by the researchers. These are neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex that project to the dorsomedial striatum. Image credit: Sharon Ornelas Psychology research conducted over the past few years suggests that males and females can preferentially engage in different decision-making strategies. The precise neural underpinnings of...

Drug that targets tauopathies in mice reveals sex differences in response

Drug that targets tauopathies in mice reveals sex differences in response

by University of California, San Francisco Microglial cells. Credit: University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Microglia are cells that are central to both brain health as well as disease progression in many neurological conditions. Normally, microglia stabilize the brain by clearing out damaged neurons and protein plaques often associated with dementia and other brain diseases. But...


Sex differences and AFib: New study flips conventional wisdom

CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER Science has long shown that men are at greater risk for developing atrial fibrillation (AFib) than women; but it has never been fully understood why women would be protected from developing the condition. New research from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai challenges this conventional wisdom by demonstrating that women—when height is accounted for—have...

Analysis reveals sex differences in the recognition, monitoring and treatment of chronic kidney disease

Analysis reveals sex differences in the recognition, monitoring and treatment of chronic kidney disease

by  American Society of Nephrology Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain New research published in JASN reveals profound sex differences in the detection, monitoring, and management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Sweden. Efforts to ensure equitable care between sexes could have important implications in reducing the burden of CKD in the country and elsewhere. Worldwide, there are sex differences...


Protein linked to sex differences in age-related dopamine neuron loss

It is not every day that scientists come across a phenomenon so fundamental that it is observed across fruit flies, rodents and humans. In a paper published today in Aging Cell, neuroscientists from the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences discovered that a single protein — a glutamate transporter on the membrane of vesicles...