Tag: <span>Single dose</span>

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Single-dose gene therapy may stop deadly brain disorders in their tracks

Single-dose gene therapy may stop deadly brain disorders in their tracks

By Paul McClure A new single-dose genetic therapy has stopped the progression of two devastating neurodegenerative diseases in mice Depositphotos Researchers have developed a single-dose genetic therapy that can clear protein blockages that cause motor neurone disease, also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and frontotemporal dementia, two incurable neurodegenerative diseases that eventually lead to death. In healthy...

Single-dose inhaled dry powder vaccine may replace arm jabs

Single-dose inhaled dry powder vaccine may replace arm jabs

By Paul McClure Researchers have developed a single-dose powdered vaccine that is inhaled directly into the lungs Depositphotos Researchers have developed a single-dose powdered vaccine that is inhaled directly into the lungs to produce an effective immune response. The vaccine can deliver multiple antigens, meaning one dose could provide broad-spectrum protection against several respiratory viruses. The...


Single-Dose Psilocybin Promising for Resistant Depression

PARIS — A single 25-mg dose of a synthetic formulation of psilocybin appears to improve the core symptoms of treatment-resistant depression (TRD), a new analysis of phase 2 trial data suggests. Known as COMP360, the synthetic agent, a proprietary, purified form of psilocybin, improved symptoms related to mood and anhedonia while leaving aspects such as...

Study boosts support for single-dose HPV vaccine regimen

Study boosts support for single-dose HPV vaccine regimen

by University of Washington School of Medicine Gardasil vaccine and box. Image: Wikipedia A randomized controlled trial of 2,275 women in Kenya showed that a single dose of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine was highly effective. The current standard for women is a three-dose regimen. Dr. Ruanne Barnabas, principal investigator in the trial, said the trial results...

New single-dose antimalaria compound is effective in mice and resistance resistant

New single-dose antimalaria compound is effective in mice and resistance resistant

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress Credit: CC0 Public Domain A large international team of researchers has found a small molecule compound that has proven to be effective in treating malaria in mice. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group notes that testing thus far shows that the parasite behind malarial infections (Plasmodium...

Single dose of the vaccine may be better than nothing at all

Single dose of the vaccine may be better than nothing at all

by  Yale University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers from Yale School of Public Health used a previously published model of a COVID-19 vaccination program to quantify the speed-versus-efficacy tradeoff of vaccination deployment. The model accounted for transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), COVID-19 disease severity, and recovery or vaccination leading to protective immunity....