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A skin patch that can monitor tumor size and send it to a smartphone

A skin patch that can monitor tumor size and send it to a smartphone

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress Preparation and working mechanism of DE stain sensor composed of TPU and HfO2 NPs that could undergo deformation in multidirections as a response to tumor progression, leading to alterations in its electrical impedance. The DE strain sensor is integrated into a smartphone, enabling convenient tracking of the tumor size....



NOVEMBER 9TH, 2023POSTED BY U. MICHIGAN (Credit: Sketch/Unsplash) Measuring water loss from the skin can predict anaphylaxis during oral food challenges before it becomes clinically evident, say researchers. Anaphylaxis—a severe allergic reaction that may include a skin rash, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and shock—from a food allergy sends 200,000 people to the emergency room annually in the...

In a “landmark” phase III trial, a skin patch to combat peanut allergies in children under the age of 4 has shown to be safe and more effective than placebo

In a “landmark” phase III trial, a skin patch to combat peanut allergies in children under the age of 4 has shown to be safe and more effective than placebo

By Andy Corbley Jun 5, 2023 In a “landmark” phase III trial, a skin patch to combat peanut allergies in children under the age of 4 has shown to be safe and more effective than placebo. The patch works like exposure therapy, slowly training the toddlers’ bodies to tolerate proteins in peanuts that may cause...


Skin patch speeds healing while reducing scarring

The research paves the way for a gel patch that both speeds up wound healing and reduces scarring   Scientists have struggled to develop a single substance that can both speed up wound healing and reduce the formation of scars. Scar reduction medications tend to interfere with the natural process of healing, but now a...


Skin patch dissolves ‘love handles’ in mice

Microneedle skin patch that delivers fat-shrinking drug locally could be used to treat obesity and diabetes Microneedle patch. Researchers have devised a medicated skin patch that can turn energy-storing white fat into energy-burning brown fat locally while raising the body’s overall metabolism. The patch could be used to burn off pockets of unwanted fat such...