Tag: <span>Sleep deprivation</span>

Home / Sleep deprivation

Study shows that people most affected by alcohol also most impacted by sleep deprivation

July 17, 2018, by Bob Yirka, Medical Xpress  A team of researchers from the German Aerospace Center and Forschungszentrum Jülich has found that people who are most susceptible to alcohol intoxication are also most susceptible to cognitive problems due to sleep deprivation. In their paper published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group...


Sleep deprivation can rapidly reduce the symptoms of depression

A new study affirms the long observed phenomenon of sleep deprivation reducing symptoms of depression   It may sound counter-intuitive, but for decades it has been known that sleep deprivation can rapidly alleviate symptoms of depression. A new meta-analysis from a team at the University of Pennsylvania has examined more than 30 years worth of...

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