Tag: <span>sleep disorders</span>

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Hope for treating sleep disorders, no pills required

Hope for treating sleep disorders, no pills required

FLINDERS UNIVERSITY IMAGE: DR ALEXANDER SWEETMAN, FLINDERS UNIVERSITY view moreCREDIT: FLINDERS UNIVERSITY Are sleeping pills the only solution for insomnia? Not according to Flinders University’s Dr Alexander Sweetman, who says that using self-guided digital behavioural therapy is an alternative solution that should be considered. Despite a wealth of evidence supporting the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural...

Does how loud you snore matter to your health?

Does how loud you snore matter to your health?

by NIH/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Snoring is often a sign of a very serious condition known as obstructive sleep apnea, a common disorder marked by loud snoring and stops and restarts in breathing. Until now it was thought that the louder the snore, the worse the sleep apnea. But current and ongoing research...

Patients with Parkinson’s disease who experience freezing of gait have sleep disorders, study shows

Patients with Parkinson’s disease who experience freezing of gait have sleep disorders, study shows

by FAPESP Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainParkinson’s disease patients who experience freezing of gait (a sudden inability to initiate or continue movement, often resulting in a fall) wake up several times during the night, feel sleepy during the day, and have REM sleep behavior disorder. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep plays a role in the maintenance of...

When sleep disorders presage something more serious

When sleep disorders presage something more serious

by Mayo Clinic Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainEarly one morning, while checking on a slumbering patient at the Center for Sleep Medicine, Erik St. Louis, M.D., noticed something peculiar. The patient, a woman in her early 60’s, had started running beneath her bedsheets. As her eyelids fluttered, her legs kicked into gear, slowly at first but...

Sleep disorders highly prevalent in children with migraine

Sleep disorders highly prevalent in children with migraine

(HealthDay)—Sleep disorders seem to be highly prevalent among children with migraine and are associated with higher headache severity, according to a study published online Aug. 14 in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. Alessandra Voci, from the Tor Vergata University of Rome, and colleagues examined the correlation between headache features and sleep in pediatric migraine. Parents of children and...

Sleep disorders tally $94.9 billion in health care costs each year

Sleep disorders tally $94.9 billion in health care costs each year

by  Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Sleep disorders are associated with significantly higher rates of health care utilization, conservatively placing an additional $94.9 billion in costs each year to the United States health care system, according to a new study from researchers at Mass Eye and Ear, a member hospital of Mass General Brigham....


Inflammation can lead to circadian sleep disorders

Novel technology turns inflammation on and off, affecting body clock in mice NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO — Inflammation, which is the root cause of autoimmune disorders including arthritis, Type 1 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease, has unexpected effects on body clock function and can lead to sleep and shiftwork-type disorders, a new Northwestern Medicine study in...