Tag: <span>Smart EEG Guard</span>

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Children who use asthma tracking app have better disease control and fewer hospital visits

by Julie Kiefer,  University of Utah Health Sciences An app that allows parents and doctors to monitor a child’s asthma has a big impact on managing the disease. When families monitored symptoms with eAsthma Tracker and adjusted care accordingly, children had better asthma control and made fewer visits to the emergency department. Using the app also meant that children missed fewer days...


ECG-Guard – New Wearable Health Monitor for Consumers

Comprehensive health monitoring has never been easier! ECG-Guard is a very small and easy to use wearable health monitor with advanced wireless Bluetooth® connectivity. ECG-Guard records your heart activity with clinical accuracy and displays critical parameters on your iPhone / Smart phone or Tablet. ECG-Guard is the ideal companion for many sports activities and will guard...