Tag: <span>Soft Robot</span>

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Scared of injections? Try a wearable soft robot to ease aversion to needles

Scared of injections? Try a wearable soft robot to ease aversion to needles

UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBA IMAGE: THE ROBOT CAN BE ATTACHED TO THE USER’S HAND CREDIT: UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBA Tsukuba, Japan—While most of us are never without our smartphones, robots may also soon become indispensable companions. It certainly seems so based on the recent experiments conducted by researchers in Japan, who developed a hand-held soft robot that...

Soft Robot Grows Like a Plant to Travel Through Tight Spaces

Soft Robot Grows Like a Plant to Travel Through Tight Spaces

OCTOBER 3RD, 2022 CONN HASTINGSCARDIAC SURGERY, GI, MATERIALS, RADIOLOGY, TELEMEDICINE, VASCULAR SURGERY At the University of Minnesota, researchers have developed a soft robotic system that can ‘grow’ like a plant. The mechanism allows it to travel through difficult-to-access areas, such as the tortuous gastrointestinal tract or vasculature. The system works by extruding a liquid through...

Soft Robot Biodegrades Inside Body

Soft Robot Biodegrades Inside Body

SEPTEMBER 19TH, 2022 CONN HASTINGS  MATERIALS, MEDICINE, SURGERY Researchers at the City University of Hong Kong have developed a magnetic soft millirobot that can grab and release objects, and move around by rolling. The device can be controlled using magnetic fields, and consists of a biodegradable gelatin and iron oxide microparticles.  The technology has significant potential...