Tag: <span>Sound waves</span>

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Riding Sound Waves in the Brain

ETH Zurich researchers have shown for the first time that microvehicles can be steered through blood vessels in the brains of mice using ultrasound. They hope this will eventually lead to treatments capable of precisely delivering drugs.Neuroscience, brain – associative rendering. Neuroscience, brain – associative rendering. Image credit: Milad Fakurian via Unsplash, free license Brain...

Tumor-destroying sound waves receive FDA approval for liver treatment in humans

Tumor-destroying sound waves receive FDA approval for liver treatment in humans

by Jim Lynch, University of Michigan Dr. Alex Duryea, Ph.D., Manager of Applied Research at HistoSonics, adjusts an ultrasound “phantom”—a gel mixed with red blood cells that serves as the test’s tumor—prior to performing a histotripsy treatment demonstration. Credit: Erica Bass, Rogel Cancer Center, Michigan MedicineThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of...

How sound waves trigger immune responses to cancer in mice

How sound waves trigger immune responses to cancer in mice

by University of Michigan Histotripsy ablation is followed by infiltration of innate and adaptive immune cell populations. Mice bearing bilateral B16F10 tumors were treated with unilateral sham (control) or partial histotripsy ablation on day 10. Multicolor immunofluorescence performed 1, 3 and 10 days after sham or histotripsy partial histotripsy ablation revealed (A) early infiltration of...

Could sound waves help to regrow bones?

Could sound waves help to regrow bones?

Interview conducted by Emily Henderson, B.Sc. Mar 21 2022 Thought Leaders Dr. Amy Gelmi Professor Leslie YeoRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) In this interview, we speak to Dr. Amy Gelmi and Professor Leslie Yeo about their new research that is using sonic waves to turn stem cells into bone cells.  Please can you introduce...

How sound waves could help regrow bones

How sound waves could help regrow bones

by RMIT University Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers have used sound waves to turn stem cells into bone cells, in a tissue engineering advance that could one day help patients regrow bone lost to cancer or degenerative disease. The innovative stem cell treatment from researchers at RMIT University offers a smart way forward for overcoming...

Swimming upstream on sound waves

Swimming upstream on sound waves

ETH researchers are among the first scientists to have succeeded in propelling micro vehicles against a fluid flow using ultrasound. In future, these tiny vehicles are set to be introduced into the human bloodstream, thereby revolutionising the field of medicine. At some point, micro vehicles that are small enough to navigate our blood vessels will enable physicians...

Sound waves power new advances in drug delivery and smart materials

Sound waves power new advances in drug delivery and smart materials

RMIT UNIVERSITY IMAGE: THE PATENTED ‘RESPITE’ NEBULISER USES HIGH-FREQUENCY SOUND WAVES TO PRECISELY DELIVER DRUGS TO THE LUNGS. Researchers have revealed how high-frequency sound waves can be used to build new materials, make smart nanoparticles and even deliver drugs to the lungs for painless, needle-free vaccinations. While sound waves have been part of science and medicine...


Attacking metastatic breast cancer with sound

TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Drugs can be safely delivered to cancerous lymph nodes via the lymphatic system and then released inside the nodes using sound waves. Tohoku University researchers tested the treatment on mice with metastatic breast cancer and published their findings in the journal Scientific Reports. “We believe that our technique has the potential to be...


Sound waves enable blood sample analysis in minutes

This illustration shows how the exosomes (represented by pink spheres) are separated from other materials by the application of sound waves A few years ago, a team of MIT scientists developed a novel way to separate blood cells using sound waves. Now the team, in conjunction with scientists from several other institutions, has taken the technology even...