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How ‘calming’ our spinal cords could provide relief from muscle spasms

How ‘calming’ our spinal cords could provide relief from muscle spasms

by Edith Cowan University Calming motoneurons may help relieve muscle spasms. Credit: Edith Cowan University Poor sleep, difficulty moving and injuries from hitting something accidentally are just some of the challenges faced by suffers of often-painful involuntary muscle spasms. However, an Edith Cowan University (ECU) study investigating motoneurons in the spine has revealed two methods...


Study provides an early recipe for rewiring spinal cords

NIH-funded preclinical results suggest returning nerve cells to a younger state could aid in repair NIH/NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AND STROKE For many years, researchers have thought that the scar that forms after a spinal cord injury actively prevents damaged neurons from regrowing. In a study of rodents, scientists supported by the National Institutes of Health showed they...