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Examining the Long-term Effects of Concussion in Sport

What do we currently know about the long-termeffects of concussions obtained through sport? In short, the answer is ‘very little’. While we may recognize the short-term symptoms of a concussion, not much is known about the long-termimpact of both concussions and sub-concussive head impacts (for example, when heading a football). Recent years have seen this topic brought into the public eye,...


How to start exercising if you’re out of shape

by Andrew Lavender,  The Conversation Perhaps your GP has recommended you exercise more, or you’ve had a recent health scare. Maybe your family’s been nagging you to get off the couch or you’ve decided yourself that it’s time to lose some weight. How do you find the motivation, time and resources to get fit, particularly if you haven’t exercised in a while?...


New findings on concussion in football’s youngest players

New research from Seattle Children’s Research Institute and UW Medicine’s Sports Health and Safety Institute found concussion rates among football players ages 5-14 were higher than previously reported, with five out of every 100 youth, or 5%, sustaining a football-related concussion each season. Published in the Journal of Pediatrics, the study summarizes the research team’s...