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Promising compound selectively kills brain cancer stem cells

Scripps Research scientists have discovered a compound that potently and selectively kills the stem-like cells that make glioblastoma brain cancers so deadly. In a study published this week in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Scripps Research scientists found that the new compound, which they dubbed RIPGBM, kills glioblastomastem-like cells cultured from patients’ tumors with more than 40...


Honeybee protein keeps stem cells youthful

An active protein component of royal jelly helps honeybees create new queens. Stanford researchers have identified a similar protein in mammals, which keeps cultured embryonic stem cells pluripotent. Kevin Wang holds a flask of cells that have been engineered to produce the Regina protein, a mammalian protein similar in structure to the active component of...


Can Young Stem Cells Make Older People Stronger?

Small trials using younger donors and elderly recipients hint that mesenchymal stem cell transfers might reduce frailty. Can one grow old without growing frail? One company is banking on the idea that with the right treatment, the answer can be ‘yes’ for many more people. In clinical trials published in October in the Journals of Gerontology, Longeveron, the firm...


Electrical Guidance of Human Stem Cells in the Rat Brain

Highlights Developed a technology and device delivering electric current to the brain in vivo Achieved stable delivery of currents to brain with monitoring and safety concerns Exhibited effective guidance of migration of transplanted human NSCs in live brain Demonstrated enhanced motility, survival, and differentiation of the guided hNSCs Summary Limited migration of neural stem cells in adult...


Finding a key to unlock blocked differentiation in microRNA-deficient embryonic stem cells

Such basic research supports the goal of using stem cells in therapy, where an important hurdle is efficient differentiation BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The more than 200 different types of human cells have the same DNA but express different ensembles of genes. Each cell type was derived from embryonic stem cells, which are called pluripotent stem...


What are stem cells and why are they important?

The idea of a miracle cure, bodies healing themselves, holds a certain fascination. Stem cell research brings regenerative medicine a step closer, but there is also controversy. So what are stem cells, and why are they so important?   Stem cells are a type of cell that can develop into many other different types of cell....


Anti-aging stem cell treatment proves successful in early human trials

A landmark stem cell therapy to treat frailty in senior citizens is all set to move into the final phase of human clinical trials   The results of two human clinical trials into a stem cell therapy that can reverse symptoms of age-associated frailty have been published, and the indications are that this landmark treatment...