Tag: <span>Stem Cells</span>

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The human stomachs being grown OUTSIDE the body: Mini ‘organs in a dish’ may help cure digestive diseases

  The tissue produces stomach acid and digestive enzymes just like real cells  The research could help scientists to better understand stomach diseases And important stomach drugs can now be studied in greater detail than before Scientists have grown a working stomach ‘mini-organ’ in a lab in a move that will allow experts to understand...


Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Spontaneously Make Cartilage After Blockage of VEGF Signaling

Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be induced to make cartilage by incubating the cells with particular growth factors.  Unfortunately, batches of MSCs show respectable variability from patient-to-patient.  Therefore the growth factor-dependent method suffers from poor efficacy, limited reproducibility from batch-to-batch, and the cell types that are induced are not always terribly stable.  Finding a better...