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Strep throat can easily be confused with throat infections caused by viruses—here are a few ways to know the difference

Strep throat can easily be confused with throat infections caused by viruses—here are a few ways to know the difference

by Allen Shaughnessy, The Conversation Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain “My sore throats, you know, are always worse than anybody’s.” So declares Mary to Anne in “Persuasion,” Jane Austen’s 1817 book. Most of us can relate to this feeling. There is no such thing as “just a sore throat.” The pain, headache, fever and aches associated with...


Is it sore throat or strep throat?

“Antibiotics simply won’t work for a viral infection,” says Ardon. If your child complains of throat pain without coughing, it may be a sign of a different upper respiratory illness. “Strep throat or strep pharyngitis, the medical term for that, is a specific bacterial infection that can happen in the back of the throat.” Telltale...


Why your kid’s strep throat keeps coming back

Each year, some 600 million people around the world come down with strep throat. But for some children (and their parents) it’s more than an occasional misery. It’s a recurring nightmare. Yet, it was unclear why some kids are prone to repeated bouts of strep throat while others appear to be more or less immune....