Tag: <span>superbugs</span>

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Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs Will Kill More People Than Cancer By 2050

An additional 10 million people all over the world will likely die every year by 2050 because of drug-resistant diseases, a new study says. Superbugs are expected to become one of the leading causes of deaths globally, overtaking even cancer in the next 30 years, according to a report commissioned by the United Kingdom government. These infections are...


She’s got a radical approach for the age of superbugs: Don’t fight infections. Learn to live with them

Janelle Ayres argues for a radically new approach to treating infection: Don’t fight it. Help the body tolerate it.   LA JOLLA, Calif. — As her father lay dying of sepsis, Janelle Ayres spent nine agonizing days at his bedside. When he didn’t beat the virulent bloodstream infection, she grieved. And then she got frustrated. She...


Scientists 'supercharge' antibiotics to tear superbugs apart: Study hailed as groundbreaking amid race to combat drug resistance

Scientists have found a way to ‘supercharge’ antibiotics to ‘blow up’ superbugs The drugs bind to bacteria to kill them – like putting a key in the lock of a door But when one drug exerts such physical force, it can ‘rip the door off its hinges’ Researchers hope this is a way to combat...


New molecule knocks out superbugs’ immunity to antibiotics

In the fight against superbugs, a newly-developed molecule may allow us to use existing antibiotics again One of the most terrifyingly-plausible doomsday scenarios is the rise of superbugs, strains of bacteria that are evolving a resistance to our most powerful antibiotics. To try to prevent that situation occurring, scientists are building a creative array of weapons by...

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