Tag: <span>superoxide</span>

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Superoxide produced in the cochlea of inner ears causes acquired hearing loss

Superoxide produced in the cochlea of inner ears causes acquired hearing loss

KOBE UNIVERSITY IMAGE: The top image is a cross-section of the organ of Corti from a 12-month-old mouse (homozygous Nox3-Cre+/+;tdTomato) and the bottom image is an illustration of this. Red fluorescent proteins (tdTomato), in other words Nox3, are expressed in the outer and inner hair cells, as well as in various types of supporting cells...


Experimental drug shows promise for genetic form of ALS

by  American Academy of Neurology An early stage trial of an investigational therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) suggests that people could tolerate the experimental drug and, in exploratory results, the experimental drug was linked to possible slower progression in people with a genetic form of the disease caused by mutations in a gene called superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1). The preliminary study released today will...