Tag: <span>synapse</span>

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Study reveals function of little-understood synapse in the brain

by Oregon Health & Science University Credit: CC0 Public DomainNew research from Oregon Health & Science University for the first time reveals the function of a little-understood junction between cells in the brain that could have important treatment implications for conditions ranging from multiple sclerosis to Alzheimer’s disease, to a type of brain cancer known as...

New images capture unseen details of the synapse

New images capture unseen details of the synapse

by Mark Michaud, University of Rochester Medical Center See-through 3D model that shows the axon (red), medium spinal motor neuron (green), and astrocyte converging at the synapse (yellow). Credit: Center for Translational Neuromedicine, University of Rochester and University of Copenhagen Scientists have created one of the most detailed 3D images of the synapse, the important juncture...

Problems in synapse connection sites found in rare neurodevelopmental disorders

Problems in synapse connection sites found in rare neurodevelopmental disorders

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet describe molecular and cellular consequences of unique genetic mutations affecting the CASK gene which has been implicated in various neurodevelopmental disorders. Notably, the results indicate differences in the development of presynapses of inhibitory neurons in individuals with specific mutations. The findings elucidate key mechanisms during early neuronal maturation and may help...