Tag: <span>Synthetic Antibody</span>

Home / Synthetic Antibody
Synthetic antibody demonstrates Omicron detection along with all other variants of concern

Synthetic antibody demonstrates Omicron detection along with all other variants of concern

Jan 14 2022 Reviewed by Danielle Ellis, B.Sc. Bedford, UK | 13th January 2022 – MIP Diagnostics Ltd. has today announced that its synthetic SARS-CoV-2 antibody (COVID-19 nanoMIPTM) can detect the Omicron variant as well as previously proven Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma variants of the COVID-19 virus. MIP Diagnostics, the leading manufacturer of molecularly imprinted...

Synthetic Antibody Prevents COVID Virus Replication

Synthetic Antibody Prevents COVID Virus Replication

FEBRUARY 3RD, 2021   MEDGADGET EDITORS  MEDICINE, PUBLIC HEALTH Although a few types of COVID-19 vaccines have begun to be distributed around the world, a unique technology, developed at University of California, San Francisco, may offer an even more direct way to prevent the coronavirus from multiplying within the body. The UCSF team created a synthetic antibody that prevents...