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Sipping is terrible for your teeth

Sipping is terrible for your teeth

by Columbia University Irving Medical Center Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain If you think sugar, soda, and sticky sweets are bad for your teeth, you’re right. But there’s something even worse: sipping. Think about that coffee sitting on your desk, the tea you sip throughout the day, and every cup you do not finish in one swift...

Taking care of your teeth could help prevent chronic joint pain

Taking care of your teeth could help prevent chronic joint pain

RICE UNIVERSITY IMAGE: VICKY YAO IS AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AT RICE UNIVERSITY. CREDIT: PHOTO BY RUTH DANNENFELSER/RICE UNIVERSITY HOUSTON – (March 6, 2023) – Regular visits to the dentist might help keep joint pain at bay, too. When Rice University computational biologist Vicky Yao found traces of bacteria associated with periodontal disease in samples collected from rheumatoid...

Cavity-causing microbe “superorganisms” grow limbs to leap across teeth

Cavity-causing microbe “superorganisms” grow limbs to leap across teeth

By Michael Irving October 05, 2022 Microscope images of the newly discovered moving “superorganisms,” made up of bacteria (green) attached to filaments of fungus (blue)Penn Dental Medicine If you needed more motivation to brush your teeth regularly, this could do the trick. Scientists have discovered that cavity-causing bacteria and fungi in saliva can team up...

Grind Your Teeth? Your Night Guard May Not Be the Right Fix

Grind Your Teeth? Your Night Guard May Not Be the Right Fix

Some experts say tooth-grinding is a behavior rather than a disorder, and the dentist’s chair isn’t the best place to address it. Credit…Jon Han By Kate Murphy Published Feb. 16, 2021Updated Feb. 18, 2021 Everyday stressors like a report due at work, the refrigerator breaking and the dog throwing up can sometimes make you want to grit your...

Grind Your Teeth? Your Night Guard May Not Be the Right Fix

Grind Your Teeth? Your Night Guard May Not Be the Right Fix

Some experts say tooth-grinding is a behavior rather than a disorder, and the dentist’s chair isn’t the best place to address it. Credit…Jon Han By Kate Murphy Everyday stressors like a report due at work, the refrigerator breaking and the dog throwing up can sometimes make you want to grit your teeth. But layer on top...


Is seltzer water healthy?

by Rahel Mathews, The Conversation My health conscious friends and colleagues tell me that they need an alternative to soda but plain water is too boring. They, like many people, are turning to sparkling water and flavored seltzer water. Carbonated waters are being promoted as the low-calorie or zero-calorie alternative to soda. In a 12-month...


An oral splint that can reduce Tourette syndrome tics

Researchers at Osaka University develop an oral device that effectively reduces motor and vocal tics in patients with Tourette syndrome OSAKA UNIVERSITY Osaka, Japan – Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by vocal and motor tics, which can contribute to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Researchers in Japan have developed a removable dental appliance that can reduce these tics in...


Whitening Strips Could Be Killing the Collagen in Your Teeth

If you’ve sought out teeth-whitening products, you might want to keep in mind how they might be impacting your dental health.  New research presented at the annual American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology meeting in Orlando, Florida, sheds light on how hydrogen peroxide — used in the over-the-counter whitening products you can find at any drugstore — might be damaging your teeth. Specifically, the...

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