Tag: <span>telomere rejuvenation</span>

Home / telomere rejuvenation
Stem Cell Exhaustion in the Aging Lung

Stem Cell Exhaustion in the Aging Lung

Stem cell activity declines with age throughout the body. In some cases this is because stem cellsbecome less active in response to changes in the signaling environment. In other cases, the cells are damaged or the populations greatly reduced. The consequence of this decline is that fewer daughter somatic cells are produced to make up...


Using the CellAge Database to Find Genes Associated with Inhibition of Cellular Senescence

A senescent cell ceases replication and secretes inflammatory and pro-growth signals. The process serves a useful function when such cells are present for a short time and then destroyed, aiding in suppression of cancer and in wound healing. When senescent cells linger, they cause chronic inflammation and significant disruption to tissue function, however. This is...


'In vivo' reprogramming induces signs of telomere rejuvenation

A representative image of double immunofluorescence against OCT4 (red) and TRF1 (green) proteins in the pancreas of a reprogrammable mouse.    During the ‘in vivo’ reprogramming process, cellular telomeres are extended due to an increase in endogenous telomerase. This is the main conclusion of a paper published in Stem Cell Reports by a team from the Spanish...