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Testosterone slows prostate cancer recurrence in low-risk patients

In the largest such study so far undertaken, US researchers have shown that testosterone replacement slows the recurrence of prostate cancer in low-risk patients. This may call into question the general applicability of Nobel-Prize winning hormonal prostate treatment. The work is presented at the European Association of Urology congress in Barcelona. Doctors have long regarded testosterone as a hormone which promotes prostate cancer. The 1941 work of Huggins and Hodges won Huggins...


Could higher levels of testosterone hold the key to slower aging?

A new study of older men carried out by The University of Western Australia has found there is a link between men who have higher levels of the sex hormone estradiol, produced from testosterone, and slower ageing. Ball-and-stick model of the testosterone molecule, C19H28O2, as found in the crystal structure of testosterone monohydrate. Credit: Ben...


Testosterone replacement therapy may slow the progression of COPD

GALVESTON, Texas -Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston found that testosterone replacement therapy may slow disease progression of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The paper is currently available in Chronic Respiratory Disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is predicted by the World Health Organization to be the third-leading cause of...


Testosterone research brings new hope for cancer patients

TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Many cancer patients suffer from a loss of body mass known as cachexia. Approximately 20 percent of cancer-related deaths are attributed to the syndrome of cachexia, which in cancer patients is often characterized by a rapid or severe loss of fat and skeletal muscle. Dr. Melinda Sheffield-Moore, professor and head of the...


Experts issue recommendations to improve testosterone prescribing practices

New scientific evidence has strengthened the case for reserving testosterone therapy for well-documented cases of hypogonadism, a condition where the body does not produce enough testosterone, Endocrine Society experts concluded in an updated Clinical Practice Guideline released today. The guideline, entitled “Testosterone Therapy in Men with Hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline,” was published...


Stem cell strategy for boosting testosterone levels tested in rodents

Male hypogonadism is a condition that diminishes testosterone levels in approximately 30% of older men, but currently available therapies can produce serious side effects. In a study published December 22 in Stem Cell Reports, researchers developed an alternative approach involving the direct conversion of adult skin cells into functional testosterone-producing cells. When transplanted into male rodents...


Scientists use stem cells to restore testosterone

Male hypogonadism is a condition affecting almost a third of the elderly male population. The most common treatment option is testosterone replacement therapy, but the practice can have significant side effects. A new development in stem cell research suggests an alternative treatment for hypogonadism may soon become available.  Stem cell research may provide an alternative...