People may be able to manage racing thoughts with steps such as deep breathing, distraction techniques, and exercise. However, medication and psychotherapy may be necessary in chronic cases. Racing thoughts are thoughts that come quickly, one after the other. They may relate to one subject or many different ones. Racing thoughts can affect a person’s...
Tag: <span>thoughts</span>
What our hands reveal about our thoughts
Language shapes our world. But when we speak, there is actually a secret conversation happening beyond our words. It’s happening not with our mouths—but with our hands. Prof. Susan Goldin-Meadow is a distinguished scholar of psychology at the University of Chicago. Her research into deaf children who were never taught sign language led her to...
Our thoughts alter our tactile perception
RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM IMAGE: TWO NEEDLES OR JUST ONE? HOW WE PERCEIVE IT DEPENDS ON THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TWO NEEDLES. CREDIT: © RUB, NELLE Two needles feel like one The researchers measured the tactile perception of their 24 test participants using the two-point discrimination method. This involves the index finger lying relaxed on a device with two...
New study IDs what brings our senses and thoughts together
by Tom Vasich, University of California, Irvine Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Our ability to think, decide, remember recent events and more, comes from our brain’s neocortex. Now University of California, Irvine neuroscientists have discovered key aspects of the mechanisms behind these functions. Their findings could ultimately help improve treatments for certain neuropsychiatric disorders and brain...
Research probes how people control unwanted thoughts
by Public Library of Science Researchers probe how people control unwanted thoughts. Credit: geralt, Pixabay (CC0, When trying to avoid an unwanted thought, people often reactively reject and replace the thought after it occurs. But proactively avoiding an association in the first place can be much more efficient, and help prevent the repetitive looping of unwanted...
You’re suffering from unwanted thoughts? Maybe you’re lacking sleep
Everyone has unwanted thoughts once in a while. However, they are particularly intrusive for those with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and schizophrenia. Now scientists from the University of York found that the ability to suppress intrusive thoughts declines when the person is sleep deprived. Unwanted thoughts have a huge negative impact on one’s quality of...