Tag: <span>Translational Medicine</span>

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Researchers develop a new ultrafast insulin

Researchers develop a new ultrafast insulin

by Taylor Kubota, Stanford University Researchers at Stanford University are developing a new insulin formulation that begins to take effect almost immediately upon injection, potentially working four times as fast as current commercial fast-acting insulin formulations. The researchers focused on so-called monomeric insulin, which has a molecular structure that, according to theory, should allow it...


Why your kid’s strep throat keeps coming back

Naïve B cells (blue) team up with Tfh cells (white) in areas known as germinal centers (red) within tonsils. That interaction allows them to become mature, antibody-producing B cells (green). Credit: Dr. Yu Kato, La Jolla Institute for Immunology Each year, some 600 million people around the world come down with strep throat. But for...


LincRNAs identified in human fat tissue

A large team of researchers from the U.S. and China has succeeded in identifying a number of RNA fragments found in human fat tissue. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine the group describes their study of the fragments they found and their possible links with obesity. A hairpin loop from a pre-mRNA. Highlighted are the...