Tag: <span>Trauma</span>

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Study shows stem cells constitute alternative approach for treating corneal scarring

Study shows stem cells constitute alternative approach for treating corneal scarring

Durham, NC – Infection, inflammation, trauma, disease, contact lenses – all of these and more can lead to corneal scarring, which according to the World Health Organization is a leading cause of blindness worldwide. While corneal transplant remains the gold standard to treat this condition, patient demand far outweighs donor supply. However, in a study...

Smell changes memory processing and could treat trauma

Smell changes memory processing and could treat trauma

Smells can reinvigorate old memories in a way that doctors could use to treat memory-related mood disorders, suggests a study in mice from Boston University. Research in mice suggests that smell helps consolidate memories and may help people overcome trauma. The nature of memory is one of the biggest mysteries of neuroscience. Memories are at...


In a medical first, a trauma patient was put into a state of suspended animation

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress Credit: CC0 Public Domain New Scientist reports that a team of doctors working at the University of Maryland School of Medicine has, for the first time, put a trauma patient into a state of suspended animation to save the patient’s life. During a recent symposium in New York, Dr. Samuel Tisherman...


Neural processing during trauma and lifetime adversity interact to increase core symptom of PTSD

Lifetime adversity and increased neural processing during a traumatic event combine to increase the frequency of intrusive traumatic memories and the distress they cause, according to a new study in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. The increased neural processing was found in brain regions important for emotion and memory. The involuntary recollection of traumatic...


When measuring resilience, the type of trauma suffered matters

In previous studies of resilience in people, researchers have rarely differentiated in their analysis between the types of traumatic events experienced by individuals. However, the type of trauma undergone seems to be a significant predictor of how someone will fare long-term, according to a new study by researchers at the Yale School of Medicine and...


What causes a bump on the roof of the mouth?

Canker sores Burns Trauma or injury Cold sores Mucoceles Torus palatinusCandidiasis Hand, foot, and mouth disease Epstein pearls HyperdontiaSquamous papilloma Oral cancer When to see a doctor A bump on the roof of the mouth can be worrisome, especially if it does not go away quickly. Most causes of a bump on this part of...


Intense Stress And Autoimmune Diseases: Trauma May Raise Risk Of Immune System Disorders

People who experienced trauma or intense stress could be at higher risk of developing an autoimmune disease, findings of a new study suggest. Trauma may increase a person’s risk of developing autoimmune diseases by 36 percent. People who experienced severe emotional reaction as a result of stress can reduce their risk of developing immune system...

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