Tag: <span>treatable condition</span>

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Vulvodynia: A Little-Known and Treatable Condition

Maria Valsecchi Cristina May 26, 2023 Vulvodynia is a little-known condition that, according to some US studies, affects 3%-14% of the female population. It is defined as chronic pain, present for at least 3 months, that generally involves the vulva or some of its specific areas such as the clitoris or vestibule and is not...

One in three stroke survivors may suffer from a treatable condition

One in three stroke survivors may suffer from a treatable condition

by  American Heart Association The brain has about 100 billion cells called neurons. It’s made up of distinct parts, that developed though human evolution. Credit: American Heart Association In the first year following a stroke, upwards of 1 in 3 people will experience a treatable condition called spasticity that is described as muscle stiffness, pain and...