Tag: <span>Treating Alzheimer’s</span>

Home / Treating Alzheimer’s
New approach for treating Alzheimer’s shows success in mouse models

New approach for treating Alzheimer’s shows success in mouse models

by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev VDAC1 is highly expressed in the neuropil surrounding the Aβ plaques of the 5 × FAD mouse model. a–d Representative cortical and hippocampal sections from WT and 5 × FAD mice treated and untreated with VBIT-4, IHC stained for Aβ (a, b) or VDAC1 (c, d). Higher magnifications of selected areas are shown...

Treating Alzheimer’s: Have we been tackling the right protein in the wrong way?

Treating Alzheimer’s: Have we been tackling the right protein in the wrong way?

A new study questions the prevailing theory of how Alzheimer’s disease develops. Image Source/Getty Images The results of a new study suggest that increased protein plaque accumulation in the brain may not affect cognition in the way that experts previously thought. The findings challenge prominent theories regarding the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. This research questions...