Tag: <span>Tuberculosis (TB)</span>

Home / Tuberculosis (TB)

How an AI solution can design new tuberculosis drug regimens

by Jim Lynch,  University of Michigan Credit: CC0 Public Domain With a shortage of new tuberculosis drugs in the pipeline, a software tool from the University of Michigan can predict how current drugs—including unlikely candidates—can be combined in new ways to create more effective treatments. “This could replace our traditional trial-and-error system for drug development that is comparatively...


Tuberculous infection is not life-long in most people

Penn-led study suggested majority will not develop disease even if test shows positive results UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE PHILADELPHIA – A new analysis challenges the longstanding notion that tuberculous infection is a life-long infection that could strike at any time and cause tuberculosis (TB). Based on a review of clinical studies, researchers from...


FDA approves TB pill that cures more hard-to treat patients

by Linda A. Johnson U.S. regulators Wednesday approved a new tuberculosis medicine that shortens and improves treatment for the hardest-to-treat cases, a worsening problem in many poor countries. It’s the first TB drug from a nonprofit group. The TB Alliance, formed to come up with better treatments, developed pretomanid with help from charities and government...


Standard TB tests may not detect infection in certain exposed individuals

Study published in Nature Medicine UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS CLEVELAND MEDICAL CENTER CLEVELAND – An international collaboration of infectious disease experts has identified a large group of people who appear to have naturally mounted an immune response to TB, a bacterial infection that is the leading cause of infectious disease death worldwide. Nearly 200 people from 2500 households with active TB were...


TB doesn’t only attack the lungs—other organs are also vulnerable

The world marks World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24 every year. Most people assume that TB only affects the lungs – but the disease can also attack other organs. The Conversation Africa’s Ina Skosana spoke to Professor Nazir Ismail to find out more. Professor Ismail works and conducts his research in South Africa, one of the world’s TB hot spots. What parts of the body does TB affect? TB most...


South Asians at risk for tuberculosis often are not tested

Many South Asian immigrants from countries where tuberculosis (TB) is common do not get tested even though they are at high risk for developing the disease, according to a recent study by Rutgers University and St. Peter’s University Hospital. Scanning electron micrograph of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, which cause TB. Credit: NIAID Tuberculosis, which mainly affects...


Temperature-stable experimental tuberculosis vaccine enters clinical testing

Vaccinations have begun in a Phase 1 human clinical trial testing a freeze-dried, temperature-stable formulation of an experimental tuberculosis (TB) vaccine candidate. The trial is being conducted at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine Center for Vaccine Development and will enroll as many as 48 healthy adult volunteers aged 18 to 55 years. The...


Scientists develop rapid test for diagnosing tuberculosis in people with HIV

An international team that includes Rutgers scientists has made significant progress in developing a urine diagnostic test that can quickly, easily and inexpensively identify tuberculosis infection in people also infected with HIV. TB is the leading infectious disease killer in the world and the most common cause of death for people living with HIV, although...


Experimental vaccine shows promise in preventing TB

(HealthDay)—Tuberculosis remains the most lethal of infectious diseases worldwide, killing more than 1.6 million people a year. But researchers say a new vaccine might prevent half of full-blown illnesses in infected people who receive the shot. “We found that the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis was significantly lower” for people who got the experimental vaccine, called M72/AS01, than for people...

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