F. Perry Wilson, MD, MSCE DISCLOSURES | January 14, 2025 18601 Welcome to Impact Factor, your weekly dose of commentary on a new medical study. I’m Dr F. Perry Wilson from the Yale School of Medicine. If you have any interest at all in nutrition and have been conscious over the past 5 years or so, you are...
Tag: <span>ultra processed food</span>
Consistent evidence links ultra-processed food to over 30 damaging health outcomes
by British Medical Journal Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainConsistent evidence shows that higher exposure to ultra-processed foods is associated with an increased risk of 32 damaging health outcomes including cancer, major heart and lung conditions, mental health disorders, and early death. The findings, published by The BMJ, show that diets high in ultra-processed food may be harmful...
Ultra-processed foods: Here’s what the evidence actually says about them
by Eric Robinson, The Conversation Credit: Andres Ayrton from PexelsThe perils of ultra-processed foods received widespread coverage in recent months—thanks in no small part to the publication and promotion of TV presenter and doctor of virology Chris Van Tulleken’s book “Ultra-Processed People.” Ultra-processed foods, in short, are commercially manufactured food products that include ingredients you wouldn’t...