Tag: <span>ultra-sensitive cancer</span>

Home / ultra-sensitive cancer
SUTD researchers made ultra-sensitive cancer detector from 2D materials

SUTD researchers made ultra-sensitive cancer detector from 2D materials

SINGAPORE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN IMAGE: TWO-DIMENSIONAL MATERIAL-BASED ELECTRIC CURRENT SENSOR FOR CANCER CELL DETECTION. CREDIT: SUTD Cells can produce unique electrical signals. These signals can be linked to various cancers, such as the breast, lung, liver, brain, pancreas, and prostate cancers, meaning that they can be used as indicators for early cancer diagnosis....

Crumpled graphene makes ultra-sensitive cancer DNA detector

Crumpled graphene makes ultra-sensitive cancer DNA detector

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, NEWS BUREAU CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Graphene-based biosensors could usher in an era of liquid biopsy, detecting DNA cancer markers circulating in a patient’s blood or serum. But current designs need a lot of DNA. In a new study, crumpling graphene makes it more than ten thousand times more sensitive to...