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EchoNous Vein Portable Ultrasound for Peripheral IV Placements

EchoNous, a Seattle-based firm, landed FDA clearance for its EchoNous Vein ultrasound for peripheral IV catheter delivery. It can visualize veins up to five centimeters deep and can be used on both children and adults. The transducer probe connects to a Samsung tablet, which serves as the display and control device, since the probe only...


Ultrasound Fires Up the Auditory Cortex—Even Though Animals Can’t Hear It

Researchers have been using ultrasound to control brain activity, but studies in mice and guinea pigs show it also stimulates the auditory system, presenting a confounder for direct neural stimulation. Ultrasound activates auditory pathways in the rodent brain (red arrows) regardless of where in the brain the ultrasound-generating transducer is placed.COURTESY OF HONGSUN GUO AND HUBERT...


Stop using ultrasound to speed up fracture healing, advise experts

New evidence suggests that receiving low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) to speed up bone healing after fracture has little or no impact on pain or recovery time, say a panel of international experts in The BMJ today. They say LIPUS does not represent an efficient use of health resources and recommend that it should be stopped. Their...


Ultrasound may enhance delivery of RNA molecules to treat GI disorders

New research shows that ultrasound could enhance the absorption of strands of RNA into colon cells in the gut, to block the production of proteins that promote inflammation. The study, performed in mice, could lead to improved treatments for gastrointestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease. Researchers believe that their findings could lead to improved...

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