Tag: <span>understading</span>

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How a memory game could help us understand brain injury

How a memory game could help us understand brain injury

After a traumatic brain injury, why do some people regain skills quickly while others face long-lasting setbacks? Boston University neuroscientist Jerry Chen of BU’s Center for Systems Neuroscience and colleagues have been trying to answer this question by understanding which parts of the brain process sensory information and which remember different skills. The latest research...

‘Harmless’ bacteria turning deadly

‘Harmless’ bacteria turning deadly

James Cook University researchers are warning microorganisms previously thought to be benign are becoming more dangerous worldwide – and especially in the tropics. Professor John Miles from JCU’s Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine said diseases caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have been steadily increasing globally. “NTMs are the lesser-known cousins of tuberculosis. They...


You’re More Likely to Get Sick in the Winter — But Not for the Reasons You Think

Experts say it’s not necessarily being out in rainy weather that causes you to catch the flu or a cold during winter months. Getty Images Experts say you may be more likely to get sick during the winter months, but not because of the rain. They say cold weather forces people to be in enclosed spaces longer and increases the risk of infection. They add that viruses tend to...