Tag: <span>urethra</span>

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Hope for millions of men with enlarged prostates as scientists discover the gland can be shrunk with direct injections of alcohol

Injecting ethanol directly into the prostate could shrink it by more than a third And it reduces how often men need to get up in the night to urinate One expert said the pioneering treatment is ‘excellent news’ Researchers in Venezuela have trialled the therapy on 60 middle-aged men   Injecting alcohol directly into the prostate gland could shrink...


Tiny, implantable device uses light to treat bladder problems

A team of neuroscientists and engineers has developed a tiny, implantable device that has the potential to help people with bladder problems bypass the need for medication or electronic stimulators. This CT scan of a rat shows a small device implanted around the bladder. The device — developed by scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the University of Illinois and Northwestern University — uses light....