Tag: <span>vaccine development</span>

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New findings on hepatitis C immunity could inform future vaccine development

New findings on hepatitis C immunity could inform future vaccine development

by Keck School of Medicine of USC CD8+ T cell phenotype signatures change during DAA therapy. (A–E) Box plots showing the signature scores of naïve, proliferating, central memory (TCM), effector memory (TEM), and exhausted CD8+ T cells profiles. *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01; ***P ≤ 0.001; ****P ≤ 0.0001. (F) Heatmap showing the scaled expression of genes...

Researchers boost potency of an HIV-1 antibody, tracing new pathways for vaccine development

Researchers boost potency of an HIV-1 antibody, tracing new pathways for vaccine development

by  University of Kansas Bharat Madan, a postdoctoral researcher in the DeKosky lab, headed research into potential of the vFP16.02 antibody. Credit: Matheus Oliveira de Souza Much like coronavirus, circulating HIV-1 viruses mutate into diverse variants that pose challenges for scientists developing vaccines to protect people from HIV/AIDS. “AIDS vaccine development has been a decades-long challenge partly because our immune...