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FDA panel: Expand use of fish oil drug Vascepa

Approved use of the prescription-strength fish oil drug Vascepa should be widened to include more patients at risk for heart attack and stroke, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel recommended Thursday. Vascepa is currently approved for patients with extremely high levels of triglycerides, the Associated Press reported. Drug maker Amarin is seeking FDA approval for...


For Your Heart, Eat Fish Or Take Pills? A Dose Of This Drug Equals 8 Salmon Servings

In November, an FDA panel recommended broader use of the prescription-strength fish oil drug Vascepa to prevent heart attack, stroke and other life-threatening health problems.Amarin/AP It’s long been known that eating fish, especially cold-water fish such as salmon that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is good for heart health. But, for the millions of Americans...