Tag: <span>vascular calcification</span>

Home / vascular calcification
Osteomodulin is a novel biomarker of vascular calcification

Osteomodulin is a novel biomarker of vascular calcification

by Karolinska Institutet Figure 1. Plasma and tissue osteomodulin (OMD) protein analyses in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) patients. (A) Spearman correlation between plasma OMD levels and aortic valve calcification (in Agatston scoring units) in CKD patients (n = 65). (B) OMD protein measurements in plasma from CKD patients stratified in groups...


Are vascular calcification and bone loss linked disorders of aging?

INTERNATIONAL OSTEOPOROSIS FOUNDATION Vascular calcification, low bone mass, and fragility fractures are all frequent age-dependent disorders. Recent clinical and experimental data suggest that vascular calcification and bone loss could share pathophysiological mechanisms. A new review published by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) Working Group on Bone and Cardiovascular Diseases elucidates the numerous pathophysiological mechanisms shared by the...

New substance prevents vascular calcification

New substance prevents vascular calcification

by  ETH Zurich Researchers at ETH Zurich and ETH spin-off Inositec have developed a new substance to prevent vascular calcification, which affects many patients suffering from chronic kidney disease. As their metabolism is impaired, calcium salts may deposit in soft tissues, such as blood vessels or even the heart valves, causing them to stiffen. This often...