by Johannes Angerer, Medical University of Vienna Plaque burden and morphology in ranolazine-treated LDL receptor knockout mice. Plaque burden and composition was analyzed in 25 LDL-R knockout mice (n = 12 ranolazine and n = 13 control). Overall plaque burden was evaluated using en face staining of the total aorta (A). Aortic roots were stained...
Tag: <span>vascular system</span>
Molecule produced during fasting has anti-aging effect on vascular system
Diet trends like intermittent fasting and ketogenesis are proving wildly popular for their rapid weight-loss effects, but scientists are also starting to uncover how they might benefit the body in other, longer-term ways. Case in point: a molecule produced during fasting has now been found to apply the brakes to an aging of the vascular...