Tag: <span>Vegan diet</span>

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Vegan diet fosters changes in gut microbiome that reduce hot flashes by 95%, finds new study

Vegan diet fosters changes in gut microbiome that reduce hot flashes by 95%, finds new study

by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Graphical Abstract. Credit: Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2023.103002 A low-fat vegan diet that includes soy fosters changes in the gut microbiome that decrease postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms, or hot flashes, overall by 95%, according to a new study by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. A vegan diet...


Does a vegan diet lead to poorer bone health?

BFR FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR RISK ASSESSMENT The vegan diet is on trend. How this type of diet affects health is the subject of scientific studies. In a new study from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the bone health of 36 vegans as well as 36 people following a mixed-food diet was determined...


Plant-based or vegan diet may be best for keeping type 2 diabetes in check

A predominantly plant-based or vegan diet may be best for keeping type 2 diabetes in check, not least because of its potential impact on mood, suggests a systematic review of the available evidence, published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. Credit: CC0 Public Domain This diet is associated with improved psychological wellbeing,...