Tag: <span>waist size</span>

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Waist size may better predict AFib risk in men

Waist size may better predict AFib risk in men

by Sarah Amandolare  Body mass index may be more helpful in predicting the risk of a common type of irregular heartbeat in women, while waist size may better predict that risk in men, new research suggests. The link between obesity and atrial fibrillation, or AFib—when the heart beats irregularly and often too fast—is well established. But researchers wanted to understand the...


Waist size, not body mass index, may be more predictive of coronary artery disease

Study investigates association between obesity type and obstructive artery disease in postmenopausal women THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY (NAMS) CLEVELAND, Ohio (August 28, 2019)–For years, women have been told that weight gain could lead to heart disease. A new study indicates that it is the location of the fat that matters most, with abdominal fat...