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Stretching more effective than walking to lower high blood pressure: USask study

Stretching more effective than walking to lower high blood pressure: USask study

UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN IMAGE: USASK KINESIOLOGIST RESEARCHER PHIL CHILIBECK CREDIT: USASK/VICTORIA DINH A new University of Saskatchewan (USask) study has found that stretching is superior to brisk walking for reducing blood pressure in people with high blood pressure or who are at risk of developing elevated blood pressure levels.  Walking has long been the prescription...


Stroke patients relearning how to walk with peculiar shoe

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA (USF INNOVATION) TAMPA, Fla. (September 17, 2019)- A therapeutic shoe engineered to improve stroke recovery is proving successful and expected to hit the market by the end of the year. Clinical trials have been completed on the U.S. patented and licensed iStride Device, formerly the Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe (GEMS), with...


The Benefits of Starting Your Day with a Walk

When you wake up in the morning, movement might not be your first priority. But starting your day with a walk — whether it’s around your neighborhood or part of your commute to work or school — can offer your body a number of health benefits.  Here are 10 reasons why you may want to...


Why Walking Is One of the Best Cardio Workouts

Share on Pinterest If your idea of an effective cardio workout involves long-distance running, high-intensity cycling, or a vigorous aerobics class, you’d be right, but you’d be leaving out a simple, but effective activity. Brisk walking is a great cardio workout that can be done indoors or outdoors, at any time of day or night,...


Just an hour of weekly walking staves off disability

All brisk walking, even short walks, help prevent disability in older adults with osteoarthritis NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO — Just one hour a week of brisk walking — as if you are late to an appointment or trying to make a train — staves off disability in older adults with arthritis pain, or aching or stiffness in a knee, hip, ankle or foot, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study. ...


How to start exercising when you’re out of shape

(HealthDay)—Though you may face challenges if you’re carrying excess weight or haven’t been active in a long time, you can still get fit and gain all the benefits that exercise has to offer. The easiest way to get started is with walking because it’s low-impact and low-risk, and all you need is a pair of...

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