Tag: <span>weapons</span>

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Scientists transform cancer cells into weapons against cancer

Scientists transform cancer cells into weapons against cancer

by Christopher Vaughan, Stanford University Medical Center Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Some cities fight gangs with ex-members who educate kids and starve gangs of new recruits. Stanford Medicine researchers have done something similar with cancer—altering cancer cells so that they teach the body’s immune system to fight the very cancer the cells came from. “This approach could...

Mito warriors: Scientists discover how T cell assassins reload their weapons to kill and kill again

Mito warriors: Scientists discover how T cell assassins reload their weapons to kill and kill again

by  University of Cambridge Credit: CC0 Public Domain Cambridge researchers have discovered how T cells—an important component of our immune system—are able keep on killing as they hunt down and kill cancer cells, repeatedly reloading their toxic weapons. Cytotoxic T cells are specialist white blood cells that are trained by our immune system to recognize and...


New antidote could prevent brain damage after chemical weapons attack

Terror on a Tokyo subway, 1995; attacks on Syrian civilians, 2013 and 2017; assassinations in an airport in Kuala Lumpur, 2017; attempted assassination in London, 2018. Tremors, foaming at the mouth, seizures, respiratory shutdown, sometimes death. What do these events have in common? Poisoning via a nerve agent – a chemical warfare substance that disrupts...