Tag: <span>Weight Gain</span>

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Don’t Be Afraid of Weight Gain With Hyperthyroid Treatment

Nancy A. Melville October 21, 2022 MONTREAL — Amid common patient concerns about weight gain in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, findings from a large study suggest the therapy with the most favorable survival rate — radioiodine — is not associated with an increased risk of weight gain or obesity. “EGRET is the first large study using population-based...

Experts Say You Should Stop Using This Type Of Oil ASAP (It Causes Inflammation And Weight Gain!)

Experts Say You Should Stop Using This Type Of Oil ASAP (It Causes Inflammation And Weight Gain!)

December 25, 2022 by FAITH GEIGER Shutterstock Vegetable oils, such as soybean, corn, and canola oil, have long been a staple in many people’s diets. These oils are commonly used for cooking, baking, and as ingredients in processed foods. However, many health experts agree that vegetable oils may contribute to inflammation and weight gain, which means you may...

Increased thermogenesis in fat cells during active period of circadian rhythm limits weight gain in mice

Increased thermogenesis in fat cells during active period of circadian rhythm limits weight gain in mice

by Bob Yirka, Medical Xpress Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A team of researchers at Northwestern University, working with a pair of colleagues from the University of Texas, has found that an increase in thermogenesis in fat cells during active periods of the daily circadian rhythm can limit weight gain in mice. Their paper is published...

10 high calorie snacks for weight gain

10 high calorie snacks for weight gain

High calorie snacks can help a person gain weight. Drinking calories in the form of smoothies, using high calorie toppings, and choosing full-fat dairy products can add additional calories to a person’s diet. sergeyryzhov/Getty Images Losing excessive weight or being underweight can be harmful to a person’s health. People with certain medical conditions, such as...

How does weight gain from antipsychotic medications affect patients?

How does weight gain from antipsychotic medications affect patients?

by Wiley Credit: CC0 Public Domain Rapid weight gain is common when individuals take antipsychotic medications. A study published in Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice explored patients’ experiences of weight change and preferences for managing weight. In interviews with 10 individuals taking antipsychotic medications, patients described that initially the extent and speed of weight gain was...


Chemicals in plastic may contribute to weight gain

NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY It may sound strange, but chemicals in plastic may make the bathroom scale a less pleasant place to visit. Every day, we come into contact with plastic products. A lot of plastic is found in food packaging. Plastic packaging is common for practical reasons, because it is cheap and...


Experimental treatment prevents Alzheimer’s-associated weight gain in mice

FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO Treatment with a bile acid derivative known as TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) can mitigate metabolic abnormalities associated with Alzheimer’s disease, such as alterations in food intake and body weight, improving the patient’s quality of life, according to the findings of a study conducted at the University...

Gut microbes may drive weight gain after smoking cessation

Gut microbes may drive weight gain after smoking cessation

by Weizmann Institute of Science Gutting out the link between weight gain and smoking cessation. Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science Cigarette smoking, practiced by over a billion people worldwide, is considered a leading cause of disease, accounting for over six million deaths each year. Many people don’t quit smoking, despite expressing a desire to do...