Tag: <span>white matter</span>

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Scientists record powerful signal in the brain’s white matter

Scientists record powerful signal in the brain’s white matter

by Bill Snyder, Vanderbilt University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe human brain is made up of two kinds of matter: the nerve cell bodies (gray matter), which process sensation, control voluntary movement, and enable speech, learning and cognition, and the axons (white matter), which connect cells to each other and project to the rest of the body....

Focal brain lesion study shows cognitive impairment may be better predicted by looking at damage to white matter

Focal brain lesion study shows cognitive impairment may be better predicted by looking at damage to white matter

by Bob Yirka, Medical Xpress Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A team of researchers from Carver College of Medicine, the University of Iowa and the University of California, San Francisco, has found that doctors looking to make predictions about the degree of cognitive impairment in brain-damaged patients might do better by looking at white matter than...