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Expert advice for women with thinning hair

Expert advice for women with thinning hair

by Jason Howland, Mayo Clinic Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain (video: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-01-expert-advice-women-thinning-hair.html )Thinning hair is common as we age. And while the signs might not be as obvious as in men, about 55% of women experience some hair loss by the time they’re 70. Treatments to prevent or stop it can help many women who are losing their...

Women with undiagnosed endometriosis visit the doctor more frequently

Women with undiagnosed endometriosis visit the doctor more frequently

Beginning as far back as ten years before even being diagnosed, women with endometriosis utilise the healthcare system more than women without this chronic illness. Research sheds new light on widespread delays in diagnosis. Peer-Reviewed PublicationAARHUS UNIVERSITY The researcherIMAGE: PHD STUDENT ANNA MELGAARD HAS STUDIED WOMEN’S UTILISATION OF THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM UP TO THEIR DIAGNOSIS...


How diet may lead to insomnia

Insomnia can have a serious impact on a person’s health and well-being. Now, a study of females aged 50 and over has found that some parts of the diet most likely contribute to this sleep disorder. Insomnia affects many people all over the world. According to the National Sleep Foundation, up to 40% of people...


Revealed: The deadly superbugs lurking in more than nine in ten make-up bags

by Aston University The vast majority of in-use make-up products such as beauty blenders, mascara and lip gloss are contaminated with potentially life threatening superbugs, new research from Aston University published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology has revealed. Make-up products used every day by millions of people in the UK are contaminated with potentially...


Permanent hair dye and straighteners may increase breast cancer risk

NIH/NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES Scientists at the National Institutes of Health found that women who use permanent hair dye and chemical hair straighteners have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who don’t use these products. The study published online Dec. 4 in the International Journal of Cancer and suggests that...


Women most affected by vascular complications of diabetes

Diabetes set to skyrocket: 629 million patients globally by 2040 EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY Sophia Antipolis, 14 November 2019: Women are most affected by the vascular complications of diabetes – a situation likely to escalate in the coming decades, reports a paper published on World Diabetes Day in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).1  Cardiovascular disease occurs 15 years earlier in...


Cervical cancer screening numbers drop off in women 45-65

Although half of cervical cancers are detected in women over 49, a first-of-its-kind study finds women are less likely to get screenings as they age. MICHIGAN MEDICINE – UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer affecting women in the United States. That’s because there are two good screening...


Vaccine candidate for gonorrhea shows preclinical effectiveness

by University of Massachusetts Medical School A report in the journal mBio, published by the American Society for Microbiology, describes a prototype vaccine candidate for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacterium that causes gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection that affects men and women. Untreated, gonorrhea can cause infertility in women. “The global spread of multidrug-resistant strains of...



A pro-inflammatory protein could play an important part in improving current and future therapeutics for the herpes virus, according to new research. Researchers investigated whether the protein IL-36g is an essential component of the immune response to a herpes infection, or if other mechanisms can compensate for a lack of it. Cytokines, proteins essential to...

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