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Attacking metastatic breast cancer with sound

TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Drugs can be safely delivered to cancerous lymph nodes via the lymphatic system and then released inside the nodes using sound waves. Tohoku University researchers tested the treatment on mice with metastatic breast cancer and published their findings in the journal Scientific Reports. “We believe that our technique has the potential to be...


New method identifies aggressive breast cancer

Aggressive forms of breast cancer often manipulate the immune response in their favor. This manipulation is revealed in humans by the same immunological “signature” as in mice. This is shown by a study carried out by scientists from the University of Bonn together with Dutch colleagues. Their method makes it possible to obtain an indication of the prognosis of the disease...


Get moving: Exercise can help lower older women’s fracture risk

by Amy Norton, Healthday Reporter (HealthDay)—Older women who get even light exercise, like a daily walk, may lower their risk of suffering a broken hip, a large study suggests. A number of studies have linked regular exercise to a lower risk of hip fracture—a potentially disabling or even fatal injury for older adults. Each year,...


Do feminine hygiene products expose women to dangerous volatile organic compounds?

MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC./GENETIC ENGINEERING NEWS New Rochelle, NY, October 29, 2019–New research suggests that women’s feminine hygiene practices – in particular vaginal douching and use of feminine powder – may be associated with higher levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their blood. A new study that used biomarkers to link use of feminine...


Pregnancy complications tied to higher risk of later hypertension

(HealthDay)—Several first-time pregnancy complications are associated with development of hypertension (HTN) two to seven years later, according to a study published in the Oct. 1 issue of the Journal of the American Heart Association. David M. Haas, M.D., from the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, and colleagues used follow-up data from 4,484 women...


Sentinel lymph node biopsy has no benefits for stage zero breast cancer

YALE UNIVERSITY New Haven, Conn. — Older women with a very early, non-invasive breast cancer known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) gain no long-term benefit from undergoing a sentinel lymph node biopsy to see if the cancer has spread, new research by the Yale School of Public Health has found. The study, believed to be the first to examine the long-term impact of sentinel lymph node biopsies on thousands of older women, found...


New study reveals why breast cancer spreads to the brain

Posted Today Most cancers kill because tumor cells spread beyond the primary site to invade other organs. Now, a USC study of brain-invading breast cancer cells circulating in the blood reveals they have a molecular signature indicating specific organ preferences. The findings, which appeared in Cancer Discovery, help explain how tumor cells in the blood...


Douching linked to dangerous chemicals in blood

By Maria Cohut, Ph.D. Fact checked by Paula Field Doctors generally advise women against vaginal douching, warning that this practice can upset the delicate balance of vaginal flora and increase the risk of infection. Now, a new study also shows that douching has associations with a higher blood concentration of harmful chemicals. Some women believe...


Menopause: Could Chinese herbal remedies reduce hot flashes?

Today By Tim Newman Fact checked by Isabel Godfrey During menopause, many people experience hot flashes. A recent review and meta-analysis investigate whether Chinese herbal remedies might reduce the discomfort. Although the authors feel encouraged by the findings, much more data is necessary. Hot flashes affect up to 90% of women during menopause. They have...


What is perimenopause and how does it affect women’s health in midlife?

by Gita Mishra and Hsin-Fang Chung,  The Conversation All women know to expect the time in life when their periods finish and they reach menopause. Many might even look forward to it. What many women don’t know, however, is they will also experience symptoms in the time leading up to menopause. This is known as perimenopause. On...